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Urban Interface Bush Fires

Live near or back on to a bush area?

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Prepare Your Home

A well prepared home is more likely to survive a bush fire.

Even if your plan is to leave early, the more you prepare your home, the more likely it will survive a bush fire or ember attack.

A well prepared home can also be easier for you or firefighters to defend, and is less likely to put your neighbours' homes at risk. 

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Ember Attack

In Rouse Hill there are a number of areas that back onto or face bushland and ember attack is a real possibility.

Fires can spread quickly from bushland reserves and parks, threatening your home, fences, or gardens.

Burning debris can ignite external sources of fuel such as leaves in your gutters, or it can be sucked into roof cavities and other parts of your home to start internal fires.

Burning embers can travel through the air, setting fire to homes a few streets back from the bush.

Thick smoke from the fire might make it difficult to see or breathe.


Getting ready for a bush fire is easier than you think

By taking 20 minutes with your family to discuss what you’ll do during a fire, you could save their lives, as well as your home.

There are four simple steps to get ready for a bush fire.


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